As the school year approaches, it's important to get back into a healthy routine that supports both dental health and overall well-being. Here are some tips to help your family start the year off right!
1. Re-establish Healthy Dental Habits: Summer fun can sometimes lead to skipped brushing sessions, but now's the time to get back on track. Encourage your little ones to brush twice a day and floss at least once daily. Make it enjoyable by brushing to their favorite songs!
2. Go to Bed Early: A good night's sleep is crucial for overall health, including dental health. Lack of sleep can cause fatigue, loss of concentration, and even lead to excess snacking, which can impact teeth. Establish an earlier bedtime to ensure everyone gets the rest they need.
3. Avoid Sugary Drinks and Treats: When preparing back-to-school snacks and lunches, be mindful of the sugar content in foods and drinks. Excess sugar can lead to cavities and tooth decay. Choose healthier snacks like apples, nuts, cheese, and plain yogurt (but watch out for added sugars).
4. Drink Lots of Water: Staying hydrated with water not only keeps your body healthy, but also helps flush away bacteria and plaque that can build up on teeth.
5. Schedule A Visit with an Oral Health Care Provider: Before school starts, schedule a dental check-up and cleaning to avoid missing class later. Toothaches on both baby teeth and adult teeth can be painful and distracting, so it’s best to ensure your child's smile is cavity-free and ready for a fresh start to the school year.
6. Protect Teeth During Sports: With fall sports starting up, make sure your young athletes are protected from dental injuries. Equip them with properly fitted mouthguards to safeguard their teeth during practices and games. This simple step can prevent serious dental issues and keep their smile safe all season long.
7. Pack Healthy Snacks & Encourage Drinking Water: If your child has a favorite fruit or vegetable, make it a regular part of their diet! Include it in their school lunch or as a snack. Crunchy fruits and raw veggies like apples, carrots, and celery not only help clean teeth by removing plaque. Plus, the vitamins and nutrients from these foods help keep gums and other tissues healthy and strong