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How Does Dental Decay Occur?

       Plaque &  bacteria + sugar or starch= an acidic environment.  Starch &  sugar are broken down by bacteria in the mouth (a natural bacteria that is always present). A bi-product of this process is acid. The mouth goes from a basic or neutral environment to acidic environment each time food is consumed. This can soften the enamel of the teeth for 5-15 minutes each time food is consumed!




Brush daily with a fluoridated toothpaste

Fluoride gel may be recommended when there is a high risk for cavities.


Follow Canada's food guide for Healthy Eating to find healthy choices.

Starchy foods (such as bread, cereal and pasta) are necessary for a healthy diet but choose healthy choices. 


Minimize the time teeth are exposed to starch and sugar 

Eat those foods with meals rather than snacking on them throughout the day

Substitute sugary snacks with sugar free gum and mints (especially made with xylitol). This can help reduce dental cavities by increasing the saliva flow


Drink high sugar beverages though a straw

Then rinse mouth with water and brush within 30 minutes.

Rinsing with water or chewing sugarless gum helps cleanse the teeth after a snack



If there was


there would be



Poor oral hygene


Frequent or prolonged intake of sugary foods (such as sucking a hard candy) Enables the bacteria to maintain an acidic environment on the surfaces of the teeth


The consistency of the sugary foods

Soft  and sticky foods cling to the biting surfaces of the teeth and stay there until brushed off. Hard candy allows the saliva to flow around the teeth causing decay between the teeth as well as the front and back of teeth


Currently having one or more dental cavities I

Increases the risk of developing more


Decreased saliva flow (dry mouth)

Slows the clearance of the sugary liquid from the oral cavity


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